It seems an unlikely reason for somebody 26 years older to pick a team to support, but it's fair to say that I don't want to look like an idiot when I'm supporting my team of choice. Therefore, it's time to eliminate the team with the worst shirts in the league.
It's my view that team shirts should only be worn whilst watching or playing sport. A chap in my office kindly illustrated this point yesterday when he spent the day wearing a Miami Dolphins shirt. Quite frankly, he looked more like George than Reggie Bush and he has as much chance of spending the night with the late Kim Jong Il as he does with Miss Kardashian. In short, it was a bad look for an office, but put him in a sports stadium or on a sports field and he'd blend in just fine.
When it comes to fashion knowledge, I come in a distant second in my household. So rather than pick the worst kit myself I decided to let my other half weigh up the options. The following is a series of emails exchanged between the 2 of us over the course of the week (NB she works away from home - we don't communicate via email when we're at home!):
"Here's a link to all the NFL kits, can you let me know your verdict asap please?
link attached"
"What about the logos? Some of them are crap as well"
"Oh ok, err yeah tell me the worst one of them"
Hours later...
"Best logos:
Rams - something quite endearing about this little Ram with a face full of determination
But the one that works as an actual logo is the Houston Texans - strong bold design, no cartoon esq animal or dancing dolphin with a hat on.
There you go…. "
"That's lovely, but I wanted to know the worst ones!"
A day later
Arizona cardinals - looks like woody woodpecker - not really threatening
Chicago bears - lazy
Cleveland - lazier (a helmet! Ha)
Greenbay - totally uninspiring
Steelers - energy firm
Worst Overall - Cleveland, for laziness"
"Cheers, although the original question was about the worst kit..."
Hours later
"Ok little more difficult - as a blue one, a red one, another red one, another red one, but hey the worst in my opinion after reviewing and reflecting….
Ravens - Purple, but not a good purple, something about this tone/shade I just don’t like, pick a better purple, even go aubergine maybe.
Green Bay - Yuk
New York Jets - something retro about this, but retro in a bad way
Steelers - just not co-ordinated with whole image
If I have to pick one - its close between Ravens and Green bay, but I go Ravens - bad purple choice"
Ravens - Purple, but not a good purple, something about this tone/shade I just don’t like, pick a better purple, even go aubergine maybe.
Green Bay - Yuk
New York Jets - something retro about this, but retro in a bad way
Steelers - just not co-ordinated with whole image
If I have to pick one - its close between Ravens and Green bay, but I go Ravens - bad purple choice"

Bit of a shame to lose the Ravens as they are clearly one of the stronger teams in the league, whilst Cleveland are a team I quite like for some reason. Although, I do agree that a helmet is an awful choice for a logo so I can have no complaints about losing them.
I've almost reached the halfway stage of my search and my NFL team will be one of the following 17:
New York Giants, Green Bay, Dallas, Washington, Denver, Tennessee, Philadelphia, Buffalo, New York Jets, San Francisco, Seattle, Carolina, Detroit, Houston, Cincinnati, Minnesota, Atlanta
Just stumbled across this, keep at it! A good fun read, I hope you find a team before next season. I wish I'd gone through this kind of process, though I'd have invariably had the decision made by my head overruled by my heart.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Philadelphia Eagles supporter. I hope you end up supporting them! I love everything about them. Their uniform and logo is classy and unique. Andy Reid is a great coach. We're always brimming with talent, and whilst we have a history of never quite getting the Superbowl win you never see an Eagles team that gives up! Even this season, with the dreadful start we had and the criticism we faced, we kept fighting and we kept winning. If the Jets had beaten the Giants in week 16 then the Eagles would have made it to the playoffs instead of the Giants, how about that?
Most importantly, the Eagles always put on an exciting game. We have a history of explosive offences and passing plays, with an exciting and technical running game. Our defence (which took some flak this season) is always electrifying because the Eagles mantra has always been 'Blitz and flock to the ball' - you'll see plenty of sacks and flushed QBs, as well as a really quick secondary.